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    Jan 23, 2007

    commenting on "faith in anything?"

    Read this blog, and the posted comments, then continue.

    reading this comment by your friend (credo? saying? slogan? deep thought by jack handy?) made me think of a country song i haven't heard for awhile - "you've got to stand for something (or you'll fall for anything)". let me seesaw on that for a moment. as mentioned by someone posting comment before me, you could say those believing in examples you'd given had fallen for something, and only then stood for it, or had faith in it. an ugly thought.

    there is no simple phrase that once amended, would bring compromise or agreement to the various sides of the topic. the exercise of finding such, however, would be an excellent example of bureaucracy (not to be confused with democracy). it is important to have faith. it is more important though, to know, and hopefully be able to articulate, why that faith exists. very simply put, this is what has caused disagreement, feud, and even war since cain slew abel. for cain, any gift was acceptable. abel would only present his best. they followed the same practices, but didn't share the same belief, and so the one was killed for his convictions. there i think is the key - dying for your faith, not killing over it.

    it is likely that you will not meet eye to eye on this, but you'll both walk away from it enriched, and hopefully understanding more fully why your feet are planted firmly where they are. as for hope, i can only hope that i am able to share my faith with anyone that will listen. it isn't my job to convince, only to share.


    Anonymous said...

    this: it is more important though, to know, and hopefully be able to articulate, why that faith exists.

    and this: there i think is the key - dying for your faith, not killing over it.

    i dig.

    thank you for your insight. i do enjoy "enriching" my life by taking part in such conversations with friends. i wish i took more time to do so.

    Anonymous said...

    For what it's worth, I don't think faith in Islam is reasonable.

    Anonymous said...

    Can I quote you on my LJ?

    Anonymous said...

    I'm flattered ... but I'll have to withhold decision until I know what you're referring to.